Manhattan Christian College
Manhattan Christian College is a private institution of higher education, committed to the Christian mission of winning the world to Christ. With the conviction that every member of the body of Christ is a minister, the college seeks to foster in all students a world-wide vision of the mission of the church: preparing them to be servant leaders as Christ modeled and challenged us all to become, providing opportunities for spiritual growth toward Christian maturity, and promoting the Restoration Movement ideal of becoming Christ’s church as revealed in the New Testament. Thus, our institutional core values are:
Lordship of Christ: All believers should live a life devoted to Jesus Christ, God’s Son and our Lord and Savior that reflects Christ-like character and conduct.
Excellence: As servants of Jesus Christ, we must strive for excellence in ministry and life.
Applying God’s Word: The inspired Word of God should be normative for faith and practice with effective exegesis used to rightly apply God’s Word to our daily lives.
Discipleship: In fulfillment of the Great Commission, all believers, regardless of chosen profession, are included in God’s plan to make disciples of all nations.
Evangelism: Christians are commanded to penetrate the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and call all to a saving relationship with Him.
Relationships: A Christian must have a high value placed on personal relationships built on God’s love, truth, and grace.
Stewardship: All believers are purely stewards of the time, talent, and treasure given to them by God.
Heart for learning: A heart for learning and personal growth is important to sustain a lifetime of service and commitment for Christ.
Integrity: Christian leaders should live lives of integrity in public and private.
Prayer: Practicing a life of prayer and worship is vital to live a life of service to Christ.
Our Statement of Faith
Philosophy of Education